As TKS steps into the fresh beginnings of Term 2, a warm welcome back is extended to the School community, both those that have been a part of the TKS community for a period of time as well as those that are newcomers. I trust the break was rejuvenating and filled with joyous moments with family and friends.

This term promises to be one jam-packed with learning, growth and community spirit. The TKS Reunion takes place tonight, with nearly 100 alumni and former staff reconnecting while reminiscing about their time at TKS. It is interesting to note the range, with attendees harking back from the founding years joining alumni across the decades.

Alumni have an important role to play in the TKS community. It is inspiring for current students to see the diverse paths the alumni have taken, to hear of the unexpected turns and challenges, and to celebrate the successes of people who have an affinity for TKS. Students can begin to envision how their own futures might take shape, leaning on the learning experienced across the three journeys at TKS.

The reunion is also an opportunity to celebrate the TKS community’s history and achievements, serving as a reminder of the connections formed at school and a testament to the vibrant, supportive network that extends beyond the current campus life.

Last weekend I had the pleasure of attending the 50th birthday celebration of The Knox Hockey Club at their new venue at the Wantirna Reserve. The long-standing relationship between TKS and the Club was acknowledged, as well as the continued commitment both have to maintaining sporting links. It was wonderful to see many TKS students, both past and present, in attendance, and continuing to engage actively in the community.

And speaking of engaging actively: it was wonderful to see our students rushing onto the newly surfacedroinbiutoni quadrangle, which has proven to be a hit despite the colder weather in the last few days! The high level of activity confirmed that a refurbishment of the space was much needed and well-placed. We look forward to hosting our first parent event on the new surface at the Mother’s Day on the Quad event in May.

As we embark on this new term, let’s cherish the strong sense of togetherness that defines our School. Together, we make our School not just a place of academic excellence, but a warm and welcoming community. Whether in classrooms, on sports fields, or at School events like the reunion, every moment is an opportunity to learn from each other and contribute to our community’s legacy.

Mrs Toni-Ann Bright
Head of People and Culture
