I have written often of the importance of community and how special the community culture is at The Knox School. Over the last 10 days I have had the great fortune to witness the community in action at its best – perhaps fortuitously as I prepared to write for this week’s Knoxmail!

The second TKS Father’s Day Car Show took place last Friday, spearheaded by the 2023 School Captain, Eshan Mirash (who initiated the idea in 2023) and current Prefect Fangzhou Li who, with the help of members of the Parent Ambassador Group and students, delivered an event that was appreciated by all of the TKS community, not just the fathers. Having the engagement of parents and TKS Falconians like Eshan add to the sense of community and the continued building of a culture that welcomes contribution to TKS as it builds its legacy.

It was wonderful to see the wide range of cars on show, each one the pride and joy of its owner. And equally wonderful was hearing the music bands performing, working alongside the 50-plus other students helping with the activities, all adding to the success of the event while feeling a sense of pride being a part of the fundraising for Drive Against Depression (DAD).

With the wild weather hitting Melbourne on Sunday night, the TKS community was tested with the forced closure of the campus due to a power outage. Although a challenging time, we were able to pivot to remote learning and manage the change in our stride, despite it possibly bringing back memories of a time with lockdowns that we’d prefer to forget!

A huge thank you to our wonderful community who pulled together, jumped online and supported each other. While we were all very pleased to return to onsite learning on Wednesday, our thoughts are with those members of our community that are still without power.

The third instance of our wonderful community in action was at the Senior School Tour on Wednesday. Our Student Ambassadors are volunteers from Years 9 through 12 and do a fabulous job of hosting prospective parents. Unscripted and unprompted, the students guide guests through the campus, sharing their TKS experiences, answering questions and sharing why they are #ProudToBelong.

The confidence and excellent communication skills demonstrated by the students is remarkable and they are a true asset for the School. I am immensely proud of their contribution and even more so when the feedback received from visiting parents gives great praise and acknowledgement to the Student Ambassadors.

As the weekend beckons, I trust that any damage or lasting effects of the storm are removed and that you are able to enjoy time with family and friends, knowing that you are a part of a very special community at TKS.

Mrs Toni-Ann Bright
Head of People and Culture
