Would you rather be able to breathe underwater or soar through the sky?

Would you prefer to have a personal chef or a personal driver?

Would you rather live in a world with no internet or a world with no music?

These are just a few of the fun, thought-provoking questions our new members of staff were asked as they joined us at The Knox School today. As part of their induction, we focused on creating connections and ensuring that each new team member feels welcomed and valued within our community.

At TKS, we believe that compassion and character are just as important as academic achievements – this philosophy was woven throughout today’s Induction Day and is also interwoven through our three journeys of knowledge, skills and character.

Our Principal and Chief Executive, Nikki Kirkup, led a compelling discussion around the future of education, encouraging our new staff to think beyond the four walls of a traditional classroom:


“Traditional education prepares students for a world that simply doesn’t exist anymore. Education is not just a transaction and at The Knox School we view learning as a journey of knowledge, skills and character. Each path is nuanced and explicitly scaffolded throughout the student experience. As a community, we value resilience as much as results – big hearts as much as good grades.”


Welcome to the team everyone! We’re thrilled to have you on board and look forward to partnering with you on this exciting journey ahead. Thank you to everyone who helped make our new staff feel so welcome.
